
The original stock of 1905 seems to have consisted of two coaches, both being non bogie types supplied by Deucaville. They could carry twelve passengers inside and a further three on each of the open end platforms. 

One was fitted out as First Class and the other as Standard Class. First class passengers had seats covered in red cloth whilst Standard or Second class users had plain pitch pine benches.

Both had oil lighting and mechanical wheel brakes on the platforms. It seems that they also had vacuum brakes but it seems probable that these were not used and might have been 'standard fittings' for the coaches or perhaps they were second hand.

These were followed by the line acquiring two Decauville type KE bogie coaches and then as traffic grew an additional two superficially similar coaches seem to have been built locally, using not bogies but rather a radial axle system similar to the Cleminson types used on the NWNG in Wales.