Fort Mahon Brickworks

Whilst the main traffic on the tramway was undoubtedly passengers, freight was also carried. Besides the usual small scale transport of coal, timber and other 'domestic' good, sugar beet was also a good source of revenue. Indeed, when the tramway closed to passenger traffic, a small section of it survived around Monchoux until 1944 for beet traffic.

The other source of goods traffic, at least for a few years, was the brickworks at Fort Mahon.

This was built in 1922 in what is now the place de General Leclerc de Hauteclocque and used sand from the dunes to make what was reported to be a rather low quality brick. However, in the aftermath of the First War a large amount of rebuilding was going on through France and Belgium so quality was possibly less important than supply!

The works functioned only sporadically and by June 1938 was abandoned and in largely in ruins. 

A small home build petrol tractor unit, which can be seen in the only known photograph of the works was the sole motive power.

Today the site is a car park in the middle of the town.