
Today, 2017, there is almost nothing to be seen of the tramway. It never had great earthworks or engineering structures, and even without WWII and the vast expansion of holiday and leisure activities in the area, nature would have rapidly taken over.

Even Quend station on the main line closed several years ago, became a private house, and is now derelict and forlorn. 

Quend Ville shows no signs that a tramway once ran through it... and yet...

On leaving Quend, the tramway crossed to the South side of the road and headed West towards the coast. The junction where the line branched to Fort Mahon was just past Monchaux on the road to Quend-Plage. 

Continuing onward to Quend-Plage the Chateau Diana was passed on the North, the carriage shed depot somewhere to the South and then on to the terminus at Quend-Plage.

The branch to Fort Mahon ran due North from near Monchaux and then turned westward, through Royon and terminated in the high street of Plage de Fort Mahon.