
The original tramway operating company stared life in 1899 and shortly acquired three locomotives, all of being fairly light weight at between 5 and 7 tonnes.

The largest was 'Bienvenue' a 7.2 tonne type 6 0-4-2 T made by Decauville. This was joined by 'Jeanette' a 5 tonne Decauville type 3 0-4-0 T in 1900 and finally 'Minus', an 5 tonne type 3 0-4-0 T also from Decauville was purchased. Minus also rather confusingly carried the number 2, 

Actually there exists some confusion over exactly when these three locos arrived on site, who made - as opposed to sold - them and precisely what their types were, as records are incomplete.

By 1903 the line to Fort Mahon has been finished and another loco was needed for that and arrived in the form of 'Marie Antoinette', probably/possibly being an 0-4-0 T of German origins. Again, records are not complete. 

In 1911 an 0-6-2 T Type 10 (10 tonnes) was acquired from Deucaville